
Athlete Stories
Ai Tsunoda Roustant, “Really Happy, Really Tired, Really Alive.”

At twenty years old, already Ai Tsunoda Roustant has spent a whole life in judo.

Self-Control: How We Learn

Much is made of the need to be controlled on the tatami, not just in a technical sense but in an emotional ...

Trust in Judo

On Sunday 12th June the 10th Cseppkő Integrated Judo Cup was organised at the Cseppkő Orphanage in ...

It Has to be Worth it

Why do we do it? Judo is hard. Actually judo is very hard.

Coach Stories
Nepal, Blog 8: Coach Kazi Sherpa

Kazi Sherpa is from Jorsale in the Himalayas and is a volunteer judo coach at Everest Judo Club, there ...

Judo Values
Nepal, Blog 3: Friendship and Gratitude

Local people go about their daily lives with the passing of tourists almost unnoticed.

Athlete Stories
Nepal, Blog 2: Nutrition For Everest and For Judo

In judo and in mountaineering the goal is always to stay healthy and be properly fuelled for the tasks ...

Editorial: Following Sabrina
Not Just Any Mountain, Not Just Any Climber

I have been in the very fortunate position of having some contact with Sabrina Filzmoser since before ...

Erasmus SchoolJudo.EU
When Teaching Styles Collide

Zoltan Pentek is a big fan of judo, competing until recently and also coaching for many years, he is ...

What They All Know

What they all know is that it’s hard. They watch the screens from the warm-up room, sharing these mats ...

About the Details

We all understand that our chosen sport is not simply a game.

SchoolJudo.EU: a Values-Led Approach

From the very beginning the SchoolJudo project has been centred around values, those we all know and ...