Mr. Henk Plugge, IBSA Judo Referee Director, was present at the IBSA Judo Grand Prix Tbilisi 2024 and observed excellent refereeing throughout the weekend. He then proceeded to examine other aspects of the event.

“I would like to begin by saying that I am continually impressed by the level of competition at these events. It is truly remarkable to witness the skill and determination of VI and blind judoka alike. It is a privilege to be able to witness such talented individuals in action.

Sometimes, including this weekend, I see such good techniques that they seem to be out of the textbook, often mirroring the mainstream athletes, especially the seoi-nage, uchi-mata and ure-nage techniques. I can't  nitpick because the variation of techniques is also impressive, both in tachi-waza and ne-waza. The transition is also really smooth, so smooth that I see nothing special. By that, I mean it is again like watching contests on the World Judo Tour; Para judoka are doing incredibly well to gradually close the gap.“

Mr. Plugge will be part of the Paris 2024 Paralympic Games ITO team, where he will be able to continue to contribute to the remarkable advancement of VI judo.

See also