
The Lady with a Secret

In 1972, being a woman and practising judo in Ecuador was frowned upon.

Rusty Kanakogi and Her Battle for Women’s Rights

By Andrea Sozzi - In late November 1980, in New York, at the incredible Madison Square Garden, in a ...

Jane Bridge: The Survival Instinct

Born on 4th February 1960 in England, Jane Bridge is known for being among the first women in history ...

The Spirit of the Samurai

We have put Rusty Kanokogi's fights firmly in the spotlight; a lady who was the instigator and organiser ...

Gender Equity
Judo Celebrated the International Day of the Girl Child

On October 11, USA judo kicked off its “Celebrating Women in Judo” campaign with videos on International ...

Mrs. K

Previously, we introduced Rusty Kanokogi through the words of her daughter, Jean.

Rusty: She was my Mother and the Mother of Equity

The celebrations of the 40th anniversary of the first Women's World Championship are approaching, since ...

Marie-Paule Panza: On the Road to Transmission

Sitting comfortably by the fireside, on a rainy day in the heart of the Vosges mountains in Alsace, she ...

The heiresses of the pioneers

Lisa masters the art of irony. Elisabetta has the same smile as the children on Christmas Day.

1st Women's Worlds
The world is a richer place with women's judo

In November 2020, the International Judo Federation will celebrate the 40th anniversary of the first ...

Gender Equity
Women's Judo: the Pioneers (2)

In November 2020, the International Judo Federation will celebrate the 40th anniversary of the first ...

Gender Equity
Women's Judo: the Pioneers (1)

In November 2020, the International Judo Federation will celebrate the 40th anniversary of the first ...