
The answers
Twitter Q and A with IJF President

Questions and answers of the Live session with President Vizer

Inspiring future generations
Hero's statue inauguration

Normally, statues are made to pay tribute to those who have passed.

Sports Gala in Kosovo
Judo, the pride of a nation

It was an evening to celebrate sport. It was an evening of awards.

Season's Greetings
IJF President's End Of Year Message

Junior worlds

The future of judo will be associated in 2021 with the beautiful city of Olbia in Sardinia, Italy.

Judo for Peace
IJF President visits the Republic of Sport

A few days ago, the IJF President, Marius Vizer, visited the Mikami judo club in the Lausanne region ...

Judo and Art
Ippon at the Olympic Museum

A beautiful autumn sun was shining above the Olympic Museum on the shores of Lake Geneva in Lausanne ...

TODAY! Live Twitter Q+A w/ President Vizer

IJF President @MariusVizer will be answering your questions from midday Budapest time on Twitter.

Judo for Peace
Judo: A Leader for Peace

The International Judo Federation, at the invitation of the NGO, Leaders for Peace, chaired by Mr.

breaking news
Judo rules promote inclusion of immigrants, refugees and expats into their society

Judo takes Monumental Leap regarding Inclusion and Integration of Immigrants! IJF to assist immigrant ...

IJF Delivers its Educational message to AIPS

The AIPS is holding its annual congress from January 21 to 24.

IJF Executive Committee
A studious and relaxed atmosphere for the opening of the season

The International Judo Federation has chosen the small Austrian town of Kitzbühel, known for its dizzying ...