The IJF and the IJF Academy are pleased to publish the third volume of the 'Art and Science of Judo', an international interdisciplinary journal. The first volume of the journal was published in 2021. The main idea behind the initiative was to bring together judo researchers from all over the world by publishing their research papers, one that would be available to all judo researchers, judoka and judo fans.

The aim of this edition, as was for the first ones, is that the journal becomes a go-to publication to include research papers on relevant topics which comment on or have an impact on the development of judo, helping to bridge the common gap between academic research and the challenges of practical work in judo.

In this third edition, you'll find 'Academic Papers' and a new section called 'Industry Viewpoints.’

   The Arts and Sciences of Judo, Volume 3, No 1, 2023 Download

Academic Papers:

  • Serious Sports Injuries of Judoka in Japan, Including ACL injury, Head Injury, and Unconsciousness Via Shime-Waza (By Nobuhiro Kamiya, Isao Yoshida, and Oki Kazuhisa)
  • The Effectiveness of Tactical Actions on the Offensive System of Male Elite Judo Athletes in Olympic Tournaments (By Amar Ait Ali Yahia)
  • Proximal Humerus Epiphysiolysis in a Judo Athlete: A Case With a Biomechanical Study (By Klemen Aleš Pilih and Miha Fošnarič)
  • VO2max Development in Children and Adolescents And its Importance in Judo (By Tin Šklebar, Mihovil Plečko, Ivan Bohaček)
  • Characteristics of Severe Judo-Related Neck Injuries in Japan (By Takeshi Kamitani, Satoshi Hattori, Hideki Takami, Akira Ikumi, Naoki Sakuyama, Shuji Kurogi, Minoru Yoneda, Seiji Miyazaki, Yasuo Mikami)
  • Loss of Consciousness in Judo, Similarities and Differences Between Traumatic Brain Injury and Choking Techniques (Shime-Waza) (By Kabir Singh Lota, Nikos Malliaropoulos, Mike Callan, Akira Ikumi)

Industry Viewpoints:

  • The Impact of the Covid Pandemic on the Injury Rate at Europe’s Top Level Judo Tournaments (By Peter Smolders)
  • Judo for Neurofibromatosis: Coping with a chronic disease with physical, cognitive and behavioural difficulties (By Lan Kluwe, Hannes Daxbacher, Regina Daxbacher and Said C. Farschtschi)
See also