13. Sep 2024 Zagreb Grand Prix 2024 VERMEER Sanne 1. place -70 kg
13. Sep 2024 Zagreb Grand Prix 2024 VAN DIJKE Sanne 1. place -78 kg
13. Sep 2024 Zagreb Grand Prix 2024 VAN DIJK Mark 3. place -90 kg
13. Sep 2024 Zagreb Grand Prix 2024 GERSJES Amber 3. place -48 kg
13. Sep 2024 Zagreb Grand Prix 2024 DERKS Lieke 3. place -78 kg
13. Sep 2024 Zagreb Grand Prix 2024 CATHARINA Simeon 5. place -100 kg
13. Sep 2024 Zagreb Grand Prix 2024 SNIPPE Jelle 5. place +100 kg
13. Sep 2024 Zagreb Grand Prix 2024 VAN DEN BERG Geke 5. place -63 kg
13. Sep 2024 Zagreb Grand Prix 2024 VAN KREVEL Naomi 7. place -52 kg
05. Sep 2024 European Judo Championships Juniors Tallinn 2024 GEILEN Joni 2. place -63 kg
05. Sep 2024 European Judo Championships Juniors Tallinn 2024 SCHELL Joes 3. place -100 kg
05. Sep 2024 European Judo Championships Juniors Tallinn 2024 DE LANGE Joshua 5. place -81 kg
05. Sep 2024 European Judo Championships Juniors Tallinn 2024 DEN HARTOG Floris 5. place -90 kg
05. Sep 2024 European Judo Championships Juniors Tallinn 2024 WANDEL Vera 7. place -52 kg
05. Sep 2024 European Judo Championships Juniors Tallinn 2024 HANSTEDE Maria 7. place -78 kg
28. Aug 2024 Lima World Championships Cadets Individuals 2024 RUSTIGE Elise 3. place -52 kg
28. Aug 2024 Lima World Championships Cadets Individuals 2024 VAN LIJF Xanne 3. place -70 kg
10. Aug 2024 Skopje Junior European Cup 2024 VAN HARTEN Jochem 1. place -66 kg
27. Jul 2024 Berlin Junior European Cup 2024 SCHELL Joes 3. place -100 kg
27. Jul 2024 Berlin Junior European Cup 2024 DEKKER Julia 3. place +78 kg
27. Jul 2024 Olympic Games Paris 2024 VAN DIJKE Sanne 5. place -70 kg
27. Jul 2024 Berlin Junior European Cup 2024 WANDEL Vera 5. place -52 kg
27. Jul 2024 Olympic Games Paris 2024 KORREL Michael 7. place -100 kg
27. Jul 2024 Berlin Junior European Cup 2024 VISSER Jona 7. place -73 kg
27. Jul 2024 Olympic Games Paris 2024 STEENHUIS Guusje 7. place -78 kg
13. Jul 2024 Paks Junior European Cup 2024 POT Daan 7. place -73 kg
06. Jul 2024 Tallinn European Open 2024 WELING Bart 1. place -60 kg
06. Jul 2024 Tallinn European Open 2024 NALBAT Kamile 1. place -63 kg
06. Jul 2024 Prague Junior European Cup 2024 DEKKER Julia 1. place +78 kg
06. Jul 2024 Tallinn European Open 2024 VAN DIJK Mark 2. place -90 kg
06. Jul 2024 Tallinn European Open 2024 BULTHUIS Silvan 2. place -100 kg
06. Jul 2024 Tallinn European Open 2024 CORNELISSE Pleuni 2. place -57 kg
06. Jul 2024 Prague Junior European Cup 2024 VAN HARTEN Jochem 2. place -66 kg
06. Jul 2024 Tallinn European Open 2024 VAN DUN Mo 3. place -81 kg
06. Jul 2024 Tallinn European Open 2024 RENES Tigo 3. place -90 kg
06. Jul 2024 Prague Junior European Cup 2024 WANDEL Vera 3. place -52 kg
06. Jul 2024 Prague Junior European Cup 2024 GEILEN Joni 3. place -63 kg
06. Jul 2024 Prague Junior European Cup 2024 HESLING Irene 3. place -78 kg
06. Jul 2024 Prague Junior European Cup 2024 HANSTEDE Maria 3. place -78 kg
06. Jul 2024 Tallinn European Open 2024 SWEERS Paulien 3. place +78 kg
06. Jul 2024 Tallinn European Open 2024 WONG Jason 5. place -60 kg
06. Jul 2024 Tallinn European Open 2024 THIJSSEN Niels 5. place -73 kg
06. Jul 2024 Tallinn European Open 2024 HEG Koen 5. place -81 kg
06. Jul 2024 Tallinn European Open 2024 SCHELL Joes 5. place -100 kg
06. Jul 2024 Tallinn European Open 2024 JANSSEN Danique 5. place -57 kg
06. Jul 2024 Prague Junior European Cup 2024 VISSER Jona 5. place -73 kg
06. Jul 2024 Prague Junior European Cup 2024 DE LANGE Joshua 5. place -81 kg
06. Jul 2024 Tallinn European Open 2024 VAN WONDEREN Dagmar 5. place -70 kg
06. Jul 2024 Prague Junior European Cup 2024 WEKKING Renske 5. place -52 kg
06. Jul 2024 Prague Junior European Cup 2024 HENSEN Faye 5. place -57 kg
06. Jul 2024 Prague Junior European Cup 2024 LAVRIJSSEN Maud 5. place -63 kg
06. Jul 2024 Tallinn European Open 2024 SNIJDERS Thomas 7. place -81 kg
06. Jul 2024 Tallinn European Open 2024 BLOM Jules 7. place +100 kg
06. Jul 2024 Tallinn European Open 2024 RASPE Vera 7. place -57 kg
06. Jul 2024 Tallinn European Open 2024 DAAMEN Maartje 7. place -63 kg
06. Jul 2024 Prague Junior European Cup 2024 DOL Giel 7. place -90 kg
06. Jul 2024 Tallinn European Open 2024 SCHUTJES Lotte 7. place -70 kg
06. Jul 2024 Prague Junior European Cup 2024 VAN LEEUWEN Emma 7. place -52 kg
06. Jul 2024 Prague Junior European Cup 2024 RENES Elena 7. place -63 kg
06. Jul 2024 Prague Junior European Cup 2024 SWINKELS Nadia 7. place -70 kg
06. Jul 2024 Tallinn European Open 2024 LUDEMA Berber 7. place -78 kg
27. Jun 2024 European Judo Championships Cadets Sofia 2024 Individuals VAN LIJF Xanne 3. place -70 kg
27. Jun 2024 European Judo Championships Cadets Sofia 2024 Individuals GRIEDE Sieb 5. place -90 kg
27. Jun 2024 European Judo Championships Cadets Sofia 2024 Individuals NEDERBRAGT Bram 7. place -90 kg
27. Jun 2024 European Judo Championships Cadets Sofia 2024 Individuals KOREVAAR Dwayne 7. place +90 kg
27. Jun 2024 European Judo Championships Cadets Sofia 2024 Individuals SPONSELEE Mare 7. place -44 kg
15. Jun 2024 Birmingham Junior European Cup 2024 DE LANGE Joshua 1. place -81 kg
15. Jun 2024 Birmingham Junior European Cup 2024 LAVRIJSSEN Maud 1. place -63 kg
15. Jun 2024 Birmingham Junior European Cup 2024 VERDONK Aloha 1. place -70 kg
15. Jun 2024 Birmingham Junior European Cup 2024 DEN HARTOG Floris 2. place -90 kg
15. Jun 2024 Podcetrtek Senior European Cup 2024 SWINKELS Nadia 2. place -70 kg
15. Jun 2024 Birmingham Junior European Cup 2024 RENES Elena 2. place -63 kg
15. Jun 2024 Birmingham Junior European Cup 2024 HANSTEDE Maria 2. place -78 kg
15. Jun 2024 Birmingham Junior European Cup 2024 RIKMANSPOEL Maud 3. place -48 kg
15. Jun 2024 Birmingham Junior European Cup 2024 WANDEL Vera 3. place -52 kg
15. Jun 2024 Birmingham Junior European Cup 2024 WEKKING Renske 3. place -52 kg
15. Jun 2024 Birmingham Junior European Cup 2024 GEILEN Joni 3. place -63 kg
15. Jun 2024 Birmingham Junior European Cup 2024 PLOEGER Annemarijne 3. place -70 kg
15. Jun 2024 Podcetrtek Senior European Cup 2024 MAAS Melchior 5. place -60 kg
15. Jun 2024 Birmingham Junior European Cup 2024 VISSER Jona 5. place -73 kg
15. Jun 2024 Birmingham Junior European Cup 2024 DOL Giel 5. place -90 kg
15. Jun 2024 Birmingham Junior European Cup 2024 VAN OOSTRUM Sven 5. place -100 kg
15. Jun 2024 Birmingham Junior European Cup 2024 FRANSENS Leonhard 5. place -100 kg
15. Jun 2024 Podcetrtek Senior European Cup 2024 SCHUTJES Lotte 5. place -70 kg
15. Jun 2024 Birmingham Junior European Cup 2024 HENDRIKS Milou 5. place -48 kg
15. Jun 2024 Birmingham Junior European Cup 2024 HOEKSTRA Robin 5. place -48 kg
15. Jun 2024 Birmingham Junior European Cup 2024 RUSTIGE Elise 5. place -52 kg
15. Jun 2024 Birmingham Junior European Cup 2024 WARNERS Glen 5. place -52 kg
15. Jun 2024 Birmingham Junior European Cup 2024 HENSEN Faye 5. place -57 kg
15. Jun 2024 Birmingham Junior European Cup 2024 VAN DER MAAS Kim 5. place -63 kg
15. Jun 2024 Birmingham Junior European Cup 2024 JACOBS Kiki 5. place -70 kg
15. Jun 2024 Birmingham Junior European Cup 2024 WALINGA Ruben 7. place -60 kg
15. Jun 2024 Birmingham Junior European Cup 2024 STOFBERG Lara 7. place -48 kg
15. Jun 2024 Birmingham Junior European Cup 2024 NUIJTEN Kaylie 7. place -70 kg
08. Jun 2024 Madrid European Open 2024 HANSTEDE Maria 2. place -78 kg
08. Jun 2024 Madrid European Open 2024 LUDEMA Berber 3. place -78 kg
08. Jun 2024 Madrid European Open 2024 SWEERS Paulien 3. place +78 kg
08. Jun 2024 Madrid European Open 2024 WELING Bart 5. place -60 kg
08. Jun 2024 Madrid European Open 2024 KRACHTEN Nadiah 5. place -63 kg
08. Jun 2024 Madrid European Open 2024 DIJKSTRA Carmen 5. place +78 kg
08. Jun 2024 Madrid European Open 2024 RENES Tigo 7. place -90 kg
08. Jun 2024 Madrid European Open 2024 VISSERS Lars 7. place -100 kg
08. Jun 2024 Madrid European Open 2024 VAN DE MEEBERG Rachel 7. place -63 kg
06. Jun 2024 European Judo Championships Veterans 2024 LETTERIE Jeroen 1. place -90 kg
06. Jun 2024 European Judo Championships Veterans 2024 KOPPE Hendrik 1. place +100 kg
01. Jun 2024 Graz Junior European Cup 2024 GEILEN Joni 1. place -63 kg
01. Jun 2024 Graz Junior European Cup 2024 HANSTEDE Maria 2. place -78 kg
01. Jun 2024 Marrakech African Open 2024 LOEBER Inno 3. place -73 kg
01. Jun 2024 Marrakech African Open 2024 VAN HEEST Justin 3. place -90 kg
01. Jun 2024 Graz Junior European Cup 2024 DEN HARTOG Floris 3. place -90 kg
01. Jun 2024 Graz Junior European Cup 2024 SCHELL Joes 3. place -100 kg
01. Jun 2024 Marrakech African Open 2024 VAN WONDEREN Dagmar 3. place -70 kg
01. Jun 2024 Graz Junior European Cup 2024 LAVRIJSSEN Maud 3. place -63 kg
01. Jun 2024 Marrakech African Open 2024 WIEBERS Isabel 5. place -57 kg
01. Jun 2024 Graz Junior European Cup 2024 LUIS Shanice 5. place -52 kg
01. Jun 2024 Graz Junior European Cup 2024 SWINKELS Nadia 5. place -70 kg
01. Jun 2024 Graz Junior European Cup 2024 DEKKER Julia 5. place +78 kg
01. Jun 2024 Graz Junior European Cup 2024 VISSER Jona 7. place -73 kg
01. Jun 2024 Graz Junior European Cup 2024 VAN LEEUWEN Emma 7. place -52 kg
25. May 2024 East Sarajevo Pale Senior European Cup 2024 VAN DE MEEBERG Rachel 3. place -63 kg
25. May 2024 East Sarajevo Pale Senior European Cup 2024 WITTEVEEN Twan 7. place -60 kg
19. May 2024 Abu Dhabi World Championships Seniors 2024 Individuals VAN LIESHOUT Joanne 1. place -63 kg
19. May 2024 Abu Dhabi World Championships Seniors 2024 Individuals STEVENSON Karen 7. place +78 kg
18. May 2024 Malaga Junior European Cup 2024 DEN HARTOG Floris 1. place -90 kg
18. May 2024 Malaga Junior European Cup 2024 GEILEN Joni 2. place -63 kg
18. May 2024 Malaga Junior European Cup 2024 HESLING Irene 2. place -78 kg
18. May 2024 Malaga Junior European Cup 2024 DE LANGE Joshua 3. place -81 kg
18. May 2024 Malaga Junior European Cup 2024 RENES Elena 3. place -63 kg
18. May 2024 Bielsko Biala Cadet European Cup 2024 NEDERBRAGT Bram 3. place -90 kg
18. May 2024 Bielsko Biala Cadet European Cup 2024 KOREVAAR Dwayne 3. place +90 kg
18. May 2024 Bielsko Biala Cadet European Cup 2024 PANNEGIETER Indy 3. place -48 kg
18. May 2024 Bielsko Biala Cadet European Cup 2024 ADEMA Ciska 3. place -57 kg
18. May 2024 Malaga Junior European Cup 2024 DOL Giel 5. place -90 kg
18. May 2024 Malaga Junior European Cup 2024 SWINKELS Nadia 5. place -70 kg
18. May 2024 Malaga Junior European Cup 2024 KLEINLUGTENBELT Esther 5. place -78 kg
18. May 2024 Malaga Junior European Cup 2024 DEKKER Julia 5. place +78 kg
18. May 2024 Bielsko Biala Cadet European Cup 2024 VAN LIJF Xanne 5. place -70 kg
18. May 2024 Malaga Junior European Cup 2024 LAVRIJSSEN Maud 7. place -63 kg
18. May 2024 Malaga Junior European Cup 2024 PLOEGER Annemarijne 7. place -70 kg
18. May 2024 Bielsko Biala Cadet European Cup 2024 ZWIERS Morris 7. place -55 kg
18. May 2024 Bielsko Biala Cadet European Cup 2024 SPONSELEE Mare 7. place -44 kg
10. May 2024 Qazaqstan Barysy Grand Slam 2024 SPIJKERS Jur 3. place +100 kg
04. May 2024 Rijeka Junior European Cup 2024 VAN DER VEEN Quinten 2. place -73 kg
04. May 2024 Rijeka Junior European Cup 2024 SCHELL Joes 2. place -100 kg
04. May 2024 Rijeka Junior European Cup 2024 VAN OOSTRUM Sven 3. place -100 kg
04. May 2024 Rijeka Junior European Cup 2024 HENDRIKS Milou 3. place -48 kg
04. May 2024 Rijeka Junior European Cup 2024 HOEKSTRA Robin 3. place -48 kg
04. May 2024 Rijeka Junior European Cup 2024 OLDENHOF Steyn 5. place +100 kg
04. May 2024 Rijeka Junior European Cup 2024 HANGYI Eva 5. place -63 kg
04. May 2024 Rijeka Junior European Cup 2024 PLOEGER Annemarijne 5. place -70 kg
04. May 2024 Rijeka Junior European Cup 2024 VERDONK Aloha 5. place -70 kg
04. May 2024 Rijeka Junior European Cup 2024 JANSEN Dylan 7. place -81 kg
04. May 2024 Rijeka Junior European Cup 2024 RIKMANSPOEL Maud 7. place -48 kg
04. May 2024 Rijeka Junior European Cup 2024 RENES Elena 7. place -63 kg
25. Apr 2024 European Judo Championships Seniors Individuals 2024 DE WIT Frank 2. place -81 kg
25. Apr 2024 European Judo Championships Seniors Individuals 2024 VAN LIESHOUT Joanne 2. place -63 kg
25. Apr 2024 European Judo Championships Seniors Individuals 2024 KORREL Michael 3. place -100 kg
25. Apr 2024 European Judo Championships Seniors Individuals 2024 VAN T END Noel 5. place -90 kg
25. Apr 2024 European Judo Championships Seniors Individuals 2024 SPIJKERS Jur 5. place +100 kg
25. Apr 2024 European Judo Championships Seniors Individuals 2024 SNIPPE Jelle 7. place +100 kg
25. Apr 2024 European Judo Championships Seniors Individuals 2024 JAGER Hilde 7. place -70 kg
25. Apr 2024 European Judo Championships Seniors Individuals 2024 STEENHUIS Guusje 7. place -78 kg
20. Apr 2024 Lignano Junior European Cup 2024 GEILEN Joni 2. place -63 kg
20. Apr 2024 Lignano Junior European Cup 2024 RENES Elena 3. place -63 kg
20. Apr 2024 Lignano Junior European Cup 2024 DEKKER Julia 3. place +78 kg
20. Apr 2024 Lignano Junior European Cup 2024 LAVRIJSSEN Maud 5. place -63 kg
20. Apr 2024 Lignano Junior European Cup 2024 VERDONK Aloha 7. place -70 kg
13. Apr 2024 Poznan Junior European Cup 2024 DOL Giel 2. place -90 kg
13. Apr 2024 Berlin Cadet European Cup 2024 RICHARDSON Luca 2. place -66 kg
13. Apr 2024 Berlin Cadet European Cup 2024 GRIEDE Sieb 2. place -90 kg
13. Apr 2024 Berlin Cadet European Cup 2024 RUSTIGE Elise 2. place -52 kg
13. Apr 2024 Berlin Cadet European Cup 2024 VAN LIJF Xanne 2. place -70 kg
13. Apr 2024 Poznan Junior European Cup 2024 DE LANGE Joshua 3. place -81 kg
13. Apr 2024 Poznan Junior European Cup 2024 HANSTEDE Maria 3. place -78 kg
13. Apr 2024 Berlin Cadet European Cup 2024 KUIPERS John Vincent 3. place -50 kg
13. Apr 2024 Berlin Cadet European Cup 2024 ZWIERS Morris 3. place -55 kg
13. Apr 2024 Berlin Cadet European Cup 2024 ZWIERS Tyn 3. place -55 kg
13. Apr 2024 Berlin Cadet European Cup 2024 BALLERING Martinus 3. place +90 kg
13. Apr 2024 Poznan Junior European Cup 2024 VAN HARTEN Jochem 5. place -66 kg
13. Apr 2024 Poznan Junior European Cup 2024 BAALMANS Nils 5. place -90 kg
13. Apr 2024 Poznan Junior European Cup 2024 FRANSENS Leonhard 5. place -100 kg
13. Apr 2024 Poznan Junior European Cup 2024 HENDRIKS Milou 5. place -48 kg
13. Apr 2024 Berlin Cadet European Cup 2024 NEDERBRAGT Bram 5. place -90 kg
13. Apr 2024 Berlin Cadet European Cup 2024 PANNEGIETER Indy 5. place -48 kg
13. Apr 2024 Berlin Cadet European Cup 2024 PANNEGIETER Kaya 5. place -63 kg
13. Apr 2024 Poznan Junior European Cup 2024 RIKMANSPOEL Maud 7. place -48 kg
13. Apr 2024 Poznan Junior European Cup 2024 WARNERS Megan 7. place -48 kg
13. Apr 2024 Poznan Junior European Cup 2024 KLEINLUGTENBELT Esther 7. place -78 kg
13. Apr 2024 Berlin Cadet European Cup 2024 SUSEBEEK Bo 7. place -60 kg
13. Apr 2024 Berlin Cadet European Cup 2024 NOUFAL Mohamed 7. place -60 kg
13. Apr 2024 Berlin Cadet European Cup 2024 STRIJBOS Rory 7. place -66 kg
13. Apr 2024 Berlin Cadet European Cup 2024 KOREVAAR Dwayne 7. place +90 kg
13. Apr 2024 Berlin Cadet European Cup 2024 HARTMAN Sanne 7. place -70 kg
06. Apr 2024 Dubrovnik Senior European Cup 2024 BULTHUIS Silvan 1. place -100 kg
06. Apr 2024 Dubrovnik Senior European Cup 2024 SUPUSEPA Joshlyn 1. place -48 kg
06. Apr 2024 Dubrovnik Senior European Cup 2024 SWEERS Paulien 1. place +78 kg
06. Apr 2024 Dubrovnik Senior European Cup 2024 BULTHUIS Kylian 2. place -100 kg
06. Apr 2024 Dubrovnik Senior European Cup 2024 DIJKSTRA Carmen 2. place +78 kg
06. Apr 2024 Dubrovnik Senior European Cup 2024 KRIJTHE Nanco 3. place -66 kg
06. Apr 2024 Dubrovnik Senior European Cup 2024 VAN HERK Ian 3. place -90 kg
06. Apr 2024 Dubrovnik Senior European Cup 2024 BLOM Jules 3. place +100 kg
06. Apr 2024 Dubrovnik Senior European Cup 2024 VAN WONDEREN Dagmar 3. place -70 kg
06. Apr 2024 Dubrovnik Senior European Cup 2024 RENES Tigo 5. place -90 kg
06. Apr 2024 Dubrovnik Senior European Cup 2024 VISSERS Lars 5. place -100 kg
06. Apr 2024 Dubrovnik Senior European Cup 2024 VAN KAMPEN Stef 5. place +100 kg
06. Apr 2024 Dubrovnik Senior European Cup 2024 RASPE Vera 7. place -57 kg
06. Apr 2024 Dubrovnik Senior European Cup 2024 LUDEMA Berber 7. place -78 kg
29. Mar 2024 Antalya Grand Slam 2024 JARING Emiel 3. place -60 kg
29. Mar 2024 Antalya Grand Slam 2024 TSJAKADOEA Tornike 5. place -60 kg
29. Mar 2024 Antalya Grand Slam 2024 POLLING Kim 5. place -70 kg
29. Mar 2024 Antalya Grand Slam 2024 KORREL Michael 7. place -100 kg
23. Mar 2024 Anadia Junior European Cup 2024 HANSTEDE Maria 2. place -78 kg
23. Mar 2024 Anadia Junior European Cup 2024 SWINKELS Nadia 3. place -70 kg
23. Mar 2024 Anadia Junior European Cup 2024 HESLING Irene 5. place -78 kg
23. Mar 2024 Anadia Junior European Cup 2024 VREELING Tristan 7. place -66 kg
22. Mar 2024 Tbilisi Grand Slam 2024 VAN DIJKE Sanne 2. place -70 kg
22. Mar 2024 Tbilisi Grand Slam 2024 STEENHUIS Guusje 2. place -78 kg
22. Mar 2024 Tbilisi Grand Slam 2024 TSJAKADOEA Tornike 3. place -60 kg
22. Mar 2024 Tbilisi Grand Slam 2024 VAN LIESHOUT Joanne 3. place -63 kg
22. Mar 2024 Tbilisi Grand Slam 2024 JAGER Hilde 7. place -70 kg
16. Mar 2024 Riga Senior European Cup 2024 BUWALDA Sacha 1. place -63 kg
16. Mar 2024 Riga Senior European Cup 2024 VAN WINDEN Coen 2. place -81 kg
16. Mar 2024 Porec Cadet European Cup 2024 RUSTIGE Elise 2. place -52 kg
16. Mar 2024 Riga Senior European Cup 2024 WITTEVEEN Twan 3. place -60 kg
16. Mar 2024 Riga Senior European Cup 2024 DE BRUIN Jelle 3. place -90 kg
16. Mar 2024 Riga Senior European Cup 2024 LUDEMA Berber 3. place -78 kg
16. Mar 2024 Riga Senior European Cup 2024 VISSERS Lars 5. place -100 kg
16. Mar 2024 Riga Senior European Cup 2024 RASPE Vera 5. place -57 kg
16. Mar 2024 Riga Senior European Cup 2024 DAAMEN Maartje 5. place -63 kg
16. Mar 2024 Riga Senior European Cup 2024 HECTOR Sarah 5. place -70 kg
16. Mar 2024 Riga Senior European Cup 2024 PLOEGER Annemarijne 5. place -70 kg
16. Mar 2024 Porec Cadet European Cup 2024 VAN BUEL Senn 5. place -50 kg
16. Mar 2024 Riga Senior European Cup 2024 VAN KAMPEN Stef 7. place +100 kg
16. Mar 2024 Porec Cadet European Cup 2024 DE KOCK Luna 7. place -70 kg
09. Mar 2024 Podgorica Junior European Cup 2024 VAN HARTEN Jochem 1. place -66 kg
08. Mar 2024 Grand Prix Upper Austria 2024 VAN LIESHOUT Joanne 1. place -63 kg
08. Mar 2024 Grand Prix Upper Austria 2024 BEURSKENS Julie 2. place -57 kg
08. Mar 2024 Grand Prix Upper Austria 2024 KAMPS Marit 2. place +78 kg
08. Mar 2024 Grand Prix Upper Austria 2024 TSJAKADOEA Tornike 3. place -60 kg
08. Mar 2024 Grand Prix Upper Austria 2024 GERSJES Amber 3. place -48 kg
08. Mar 2024 Grand Prix Upper Austria 2024 VAN KREVEL Naomi 3. place -52 kg
08. Mar 2024 Grand Prix Upper Austria 2024 HEG Koen 5. place -73 kg
08. Mar 2024 Grand Prix Upper Austria 2024 VAN DEN BERG Geke 5. place -63 kg
08. Mar 2024 Grand Prix Upper Austria 2024 CATHARINA Simeon 7. place -100 kg
08. Mar 2024 Grand Prix Upper Austria 2024 STEVENSON Karen 7. place +78 kg
01. Mar 2024 Tashkent Grand Slam 2024 DE VOOGD Margit 3. place -70 kg
24. Feb 2024 Warsaw European Open 2024 KRACHTEN Nadiah 1. place -63 kg
24. Feb 2024 Warsaw European Open 2024 CATHARINA Simeon 2. place -100 kg
24. Feb 2024 Warsaw European Open 2024 VAN HERK Ian 3. place -90 kg
24. Feb 2024 Warsaw European Open 2024 VAN DE MEEBERG Shannon 3. place -57 kg
24. Feb 2024 Warsaw European Open 2024 HANSTEDE Maria 3. place -78 kg
24. Feb 2024 Warsaw European Open 2024 WELING Bart 5. place -60 kg
24. Feb 2024 Warsaw European Open 2024 SWEERS Paulien 5. place +78 kg
24. Feb 2024 Warsaw European Open 2024 SCHELL Joes 7. place -100 kg
24. Feb 2024 Warsaw European Open 2024 VAN DEN BERG Jelle 7. place +100 kg
24. Feb 2024 Warsaw European Open 2024 DAAMEN Maartje 7. place -63 kg
16. Feb 2024 Baku Grand Slam 2024 STEENHUIS Guusje 1. place -78 kg
16. Feb 2024 Baku Grand Slam 2024 DE WIT Frank 3. place -81 kg
16. Feb 2024 Baku Grand Slam 2024 KORREL Michael 3. place -100 kg
16. Feb 2024 Baku Grand Slam 2024 SPIJKERS Jur 3. place +100 kg
16. Feb 2024 Baku Grand Slam 2024 SNIPPE Jelle 3. place +100 kg
16. Feb 2024 Baku Grand Slam 2024 VAN LIESHOUT Joanne 3. place -63 kg
16. Feb 2024 Baku Grand Slam 2024 KAMPS Marit 3. place +78 kg
16. Feb 2024 Baku Grand Slam 2024 BEURSKENS Julie 5. place -57 kg
16. Feb 2024 Baku Grand Slam 2024 VAN DEN BERG Geke 5. place -63 kg
16. Feb 2024 Baku Grand Slam 2024 POLLING Kim 5. place -70 kg
16. Feb 2024 Baku Grand Slam 2024 VAN T END Noel 7. place -90 kg
10. Feb 2024 Tunis African Open 2024 HEEREN Axel 1. place -90 kg
10. Feb 2024 Gyor European Open 2024 VERMEER Sanne 1. place -70 kg
10. Feb 2024 Gyor European Open 2024 SWEERS Paulien 1. place +78 kg
10. Feb 2024 Gyor European Open 2024 WELING Bart 2. place -60 kg
10. Feb 2024 Gyor European Open 2024 CATHARINA Simeon 2. place -100 kg
10. Feb 2024 Gyor European Open 2024 DE VOOGD Margit 2. place -70 kg
10. Feb 2024 Gyor European Open 2024 VAN HEEMST Yael 2. place -78 kg
10. Feb 2024 Tunis African Open 2024 DIJKSTRA Carmen 2. place +78 kg
10. Feb 2024 Gyor European Open 2024 SPIJKERS Jur 3. place +100 kg
10. Feb 2024 Gyor European Open 2024 NALBAT Kamile 3. place -63 kg
10. Feb 2024 Gyor European Open 2024 VAN DE MEEBERG Shannon 5. place -57 kg
10. Feb 2024 Tunis African Open 2024 LOEBER Inno 7. place -73 kg
02. Feb 2024 Paris Grand Slam 2024 STEENHUIS Guusje 3. place -78 kg
02. Feb 2024 Paris Grand Slam 2024 VAN LIESHOUT Joanne 5. place -63 kg
26. Jan 2024 Grand Prix Portugal 2024 VAN DIJK Mark 3. place -90 kg
26. Jan 2024 Grand Prix Portugal 2024 VERMEER Sanne 7. place -70 kg
26. Jan 2024 Grand Prix Portugal 2024 VAN HEEMST Yael 7. place -78 kg
Select year on top of the page.