In 2021 Margux Pinot, already a European champion, Paris Grand Slam medallist and world bronze medallist, fought for France at the Olympic Games. Losing in her first contest was devastating but her personal life was also difficult and the judo family didn’t see Margaux again for more than 6 months.
Margaux Pinot (FRA).

Moving forward to today and we share a reminder of a new project being pioneered and promoted by the IJF, the ‘IJF Self-Defence for Women” programme; article here:

During the first day of the self-defence project, Ellenita Lolita Merle, former French team member now working for La Sorbonne Abu Dhabi said, “We see how gender based violence tends to develop… By learning self-defence, for example, women can have the tools to defend themselves in a society that can be violent."

On 19th May 2024, a renewed and spectacular edition of Margaux Pinot stepped on to the world stage again and in incredible style, with tenacity, technique and heart, she became world champion, exactly a decade after she first appeared at a senior world championship. Her route to that medal was not easy or smooth but is a story of triumph and survival.

Margaux Pinot, world champion.

“I haven’t spoken too much about my experiences yet with other women. I needed to heal myself and I only came back to the tatami in Paris in 2022. I had a really hard time and due to my personal situation I had to change clubs and move my life. I have been lonely and I lost some people who I thought were really good friends. I had to keep my head up, this is my way, but it wasn’t easy."

Winning Paris Grand Slam gold on her return to the tatami, February 2022.

"I have met a really good man, Alpha Djalo, and I try to be focused on my work, my medals and my training. I had to work hard to manage all my feelings throughout the last 3 years and so this is a very good moment to celebrate my personal and professional victories. I’m really proud of me."

A gold medal-winning throw at the Abu Dhabi World Championships 2024.

"I need to say thanks to my club PSG, to my sponsor and also to my family and boyfriend. Maybe this medal shouldn’t be a surprise though because I worked so hard since I was seven years old. I lost at the Europeans in November and in April and that was difficult but I still felt I was moving in the right direction.

I am at peace with the Olympic Games selection now too. I wish only happiness for Marie-Eve. Maybe I won’t watch on the day but I will be there for my boyfriend and then take some time for a holiday, there is now time for that."

The moment of realisation; it's world gold!

"I have a message for other women having a difficult time: You must always try your best to be strong, strong enough to remove the negative influences from your life, don’t hesitate. This way you can find the real you, the best you.”

Margaux Pinot continues to be strong and now she has a world championship gold medal as a reminder of just how far she has come.

See also