Dorjsuren Sumiya (MGL), answered to our questions for the third EXPRESS INTERVIEW (after the IJF President and Asahina Sarah - JPN). This format of interview, that we will regularly offer you, will help you to discover in the upcoming months, until the 2018 World Championships, Baku, Azerbaijan, our champions. 5 questions, 5 answers to the 15 current World Champions (14 + 1 open) to discover more about the judo world.

What are your goals for 2018?

Dorjsuren Sumiya: My goal is to remain as the world champion. I will practice hard every day to achieve this for me and for my country.

How important is the 2018 season for your 2020 Olympic dream?

Dorjsuren Sumiya: Of course it is very important because of the Olympic qualification. Everything is starting again. I am prepared for new opponents and to get involved in many tournaments.

Who are your main rivals for 2018?

Dorjsuren Sumiya: Everyone is strong. I will prepare for all my main rivals and all opponents in the same way. With respect and hard work.

What can judo fans expect from you this year?

Dorjsuren Sumiya: Judo fans can expect victories and a lot of effort from me. I will give everything every time I am on the mat.

Why should new fans watch the 2018 IJF World Judo Tour?

Dorjsuren Sumiya: Judo is a dynamic and exciting sport with great athletes and a lot of skill. 2018 will be a great year for judo.

- Marius Vizer, IJF President
- Asahina Sarah (JPN)

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