
1980 Women's World Championship
Celebrations Take Shape

The celebrations for the 40th anniversary of the first Women's World Championships, which took place ...

New York, 1980: Interview
Margherita De Cal: An Ordinary Trailblazer

All the interviews talk in the present tense because when these trailblazers take themselves back, for ...

Jocelyne Triadou: The Rage to Win

With multiple medals from major international competitions, including five European titles, Jocelyne ...

Peter Perazio: Pushing Fatigue to Dream Bigger

After an event and especially after a world championship, what we remember above all are the medalists, ...

World Judo Tour Will Return in 2021

The International Judo Federation Executive Committee decided today, November 11, the suspension of the ...

The Lady with a Secret

In 1972, being a woman and practising judo in Ecuador was frowned upon.

Rusty Kanakogi and Her Battle for Women’s Rights

By Andrea Sozzi - In late November 1980, in New York, at the incredible Madison Square Garden, in a ...

Jane Bridge: The Survival Instinct

Born on 4th February 1960 in England, Jane Bridge is known for being among the first women in history ...

André Mariano Dos Santos: Safety Feeds Confidence!

Prior to the Hungary Grand Slam, IJF referee Andre Mariano dos Santos of Brazil gave us generous access ...

Grand Slam Hungary: Technical Analysis, Day 3
We Are Simply Stronger Together

To find ourselves at the end of this weekend is somewhat sad, but also spells relief.

It is a Success

Grand Slam Hungary ended in apotheosis for Audrey TCHEUMEO (FRA), Kayra SAYIT (TUR) and for Russia, which ...

Interview: Tina Trstenjak & Maria Portela
Friendship, Fights and Needing a Hug!

“How is everything, Tina? Are you looking forward to fighting?” “Yes, it’s been a long time!”